Strategic Planning

Developing a Vision for the Future

Mohan Sundararaj

Letter From Dr. Mohan Sundararaj MBBS, MPH

My name is Mohan Sundararaj and I currently serve as Chair of the Finance and Development Committee at IAMM.  As a physician and a music therapist, the work of our organization is close to my heart. In this leadership role, I have witnessed incredible evolution and growth at IAMM, which in large part is made possible by our members.

We aspire to become an even more inclusive organization that meets the needs of all our members worldwide. In close partnership with the Board of Directors, IAMM is defining its vision and goals for the next few years.

Stages of our Stratigic Planning

Stage 1: Stratigic Planning Survey

Completion of this survey will inform IAMM’s thinking and planning. We appreciate your participation in this stage of our process, as we begin to develop a vision and consult with expert stakeholders. The survey is available to members and non-members in both English and Spanish and will be open until Friday December 9, 2022.

Stage 2: Stage 2 Title

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Stage 3: Stage 3 Title

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